Friday, March 15, 2019

Weekly Favorites #10

Happy Friday Foxy Friends! Unfortunately it's my working Friday, but I have some offset time, so I get to leave at 12 today, so that's not too bad! Okay let's get to my weekly favorites:

It's Mr.'s birthday today! Comment down below to wish him a happy birthday, he'll read all of the comments! I'm not the PDA mushy public announcement kind of gal, so just know I love him, he's the best partner and best father I could ever ask for. The.End.

Last Thursday I went out to celebrate this lady's very much belated birthday, but it was last minute and so nice to see her and catch up. We went to this brewery that had awesome food and I might actually have my birthday party there later this year, we'll see. Anyway, I've known her since 7th grade.

Saturday was full of baseball. Luckily the kids games were back to back so we were able to see both of the. Can I saw how stinkin' cute T-ball is? I mean, seriously, it's the cutest thing ever.

The kids were so cute together after the game eating their snacks.

These two have big brothers on the same team, so they made a plan to meet on the dinosaur to eat their was the cutest thing ever, considering where we went was a 15 minute drive, haha.

Saturday night was family movie night, we watched Captain America.

Sunday we went to church and then afterwards I met up with some friends for lunch. It was great to sit and chat with them for a bit, pretending we weren't with our 5 kids.

Oh but here they were, acting goofy as always, but they were all great.

One last thing before I go, I was featured over on A Fierce Beauty, for my St. Patrick's Day Wreath! Go check out all of things you need to do to get ready for Spring! Stop in and tell her I sent you over there.

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