Hands down my favorite picture this week:
Old Navy was having some killer deals yesterday and I snagged this vest*. I might have also bought it in burgundy and olive only because I wasn't sure which color I wanted. I'm fairly certain the white, and then maybe one of the colored ones...and then I thought, hey why not add a couple in for my mom too...shhhh, don't tell her. So cute right? And apparently it's fleece lined.
She told me this snake was her Elsa hair...adorable.
With the kids being sick naps have taken a back seat to sniffles and runny noses and coughs...today they both napped, score! Mr. says that we should get rid of the video monitors, I say NEVER! Okay not never, but do I have to? What are your thoughts? Really I only use it for bedtime, so when I go to bed instead of walking into their room I check the monitor.
I decided I'm going to make this cake for Baby Fox for his birthday. I'm so excited to make it...I want to do a test run, but then I don't want Baby Fox to see it either...decisions, decisions...I just bought all of the supplies last night, yay!
What was the best part of your day? Hope you have a good weekend. We're headed to a birthday party for my cousin's kid and hanging around the house, hoping Mini Fox gets better.
P.S. Mini Fox is staying behind for the party so she can rest and get better with my parents.
*This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on a link and purchase an item - I may receive a small commission. THANK YOU!
Linking up with Erika, Andrea, and Narci for Friday Favorites, September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday! April and the girls for Five on Friday, and Jennie for Friday Favorites
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