Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Week 3 of Winter Challenge Outfits

Back for week 3 of the Style Me Challenge: Winter Edition.  Here are my Spring Style ChallengeSummer Style Challenge and the Fall Style Challenge if you want to see what else I've done. Here is week 1 and week 2.

Like last week I was shopping my closet. I actually found an outfit that I never would have put together if I hadn't been shopping my closet, so thank you Alison for that!

So here are this weeks outfits:

Day 10

We were supposed to use a Fair Isle sweater with this one, but I don't have one, so I made do with this striped version. Plus it's been sort of hot here lately, so I figured a light weight cardigan was good enough.

Day 11

I've worn this combo so many times, but never thought to add a plaid scarf, I think it looks fantastic and will definitely be a go to when it starts to get a little colder around here. Rumor has it the high next week is 56° brrrr.... (cue eye roll from half of the world)

Day 12

My statement necklace isn't much of a statement necklace, but I like that is big but subtle, did that make sense?

P.S. those heels hurt! They are my we're doing to a long sit down dinner heels, if you know what I mean.

Day 13 - Dressy Outfit #2

Dressy Outfit number two, called for a fancy sweater, like I said last week, there is some sparkle to this shirt, you just can't see it. I added the belt and the necklace, since my shirt was "plain". I really like it.

What happens when your spouse goes on a business trip and you have a remote and a camera and all the time in the world.

Too bad the ornament was cut out, darn!

Day 14

I haven't gotten nearly as much use out of this red plaid scarf as I should! I seriously need to wear it more...or the weather needs to get a bit colder so I don't look like a weirdo wearing a scarf.

Day 15

I just changed out the pants and the shoes on this one and completely changes the outfit so much. I think I like this look a little better then Day 11 though. What do you think?

Day 16

One of my favorite outfits of the week. Maybe because I really like this sweater, it's the softest thing EVER! Let's just pretend those are jeans down there, okay? They were dirty when I was taking pictures, darn.

Now go check out some other hot ladies to see their take on the same outfits!

Linking up with Because Shanna Said So, Get Your Pretty On, The Pleated Poppy, Tucker Up Shopping my Closet and Molly and Carly for Let it Shine 


  1. Ermagerd, you crack me up. I need to spend some time with you someday.

    1. YES! Please come visit me! I'll take you to Disneyland...fair trade right? hehe

  2. LOVE your style!! I look forward to coming to your blog to check out your outfits. I LOVE that red plaid scarf too! Where did you find it. It's almost like the perfect plaid scarf ;)

    1. Thanks Michelle! It's from where else but Target! I love that place! ;)

  3. That dress-up outfit is sensational. What a darling skirt with that little bow at the waist. You look like a precious gift!

  4. Could you be any cuter...I think not!!! Love your dressy look! And I think I need that white sweater in my life!!
