I did upload this on Thursday, but didn't post to the blog yesterday because I thought Mr.'s responses to the Guy Behind the Blog questions was more fun to read. He's a funny guy that Mr. He was a good sport answering questions about love and feelings and stuff.
I got my allergy shots yesterday and we got home about 6pm, and the kids convinced Mr. to take them swimming before dinner. First Baby Fox said, please Daddy will you take us swimming, then gave him the puppy dog face (I'm so proud), and then Mini Fox came up and said, "Daddy Swimming Pool, Daddy Swimming pool, Peeeease", shot in the heart, he was a gonner and didn't even hesitate to say yes. He's such a sucker.
We went to a wine tasting/restaurant place and the food was amazing! Or so I'm told, since I can't eat what is here, but doesn't it look pretty?
I love these ladies and can't wait for our next MNO.
This could be one of my all time favorite pictures of us...Funny story. Mr. was laying down so I laid on top of him and Baby Fox laid on top of me. Mini Fox then comes and starts saying "me too, me too". But can't get to the top, so Baby Fox and I get off and get Mini Fox on the couch. Then Baby Fox says, "okay I'll go first then you Mommy, wait...Mommy you go first, then Mini Fox...no wait, then me then Mini Fox." Loved seeing how his little mind worked with how much we all weighed. It was amazing that I got this picture at all, we were only like this for 2.5 seconds before Mr. really couldn't breathe, LOL.
My concerns about Parent's Choice diapers.We need to get it together for the safety of our children!Maybe we can wrangle Chris Pratt to help!
Posted by Kay Botnik on Thursday, August 27, 2015
Linking up with Erika, Andrea, and Narci for Friday Favorites, September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday! April and the girls for Five on Friday, and Jennie for Friday Favorites
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