Monday, August 10, 2015

Good-bye Mr. - We'll Miss You!

Happy Monday! Or is it? I'm so tired today, I just don't sleep well the first night that Mr. is gone on a trip. Anyway, this weekend was more low key than expected.

Let's jump into our thought process of how this happened:

Okay, both Mr. and I like a clean fridge, so we're constantly going through it. We kept coming across this can of Whipped Cream, brand new never opened, but not expired, so we won't throw it out. So the most logical thing to do is make this right?


Cooked and ready to eat. We had some friends coming over on Saturday night, so we figured it would get eaten.

That big slit there on the bottom pie, Mr. he really wanted to make sure it was actually done

But Baby Fox woke up on Saturday throwing up, poor kid. First time he's ever thrown up, besides when he was a baby. It was so sad, he took one bite of breakfast and it came up, and he yells, Mommy I spit up. Mr. goes over to check it out, and it just kept on coming poor guy. But I have to hand it to him, he's the most polite thrower upper ever. So we had to cancel on our friends which we were totally bummed about.

So he was pretty much out of commission for most of the day. We had this whole family outing planned too. So it was just me and Mini Fox. I wanted to keep her out of the house, becasue she just wanted to be all over Baby Fox and we didn't want her to get what ever he had. So I stayed out extra long with Mini Fox, we decided to meet up with Mom for a late lunch.

When Baby Fox woke up from his nap he was feeling MUCH better, mostly back to himself, so whatever it was was gone in a few hours. Thankfully. Since we weren't going to have friends over, someone needed to eat the whipped cream right?

The kids thought it was so much fun.

And he thought the pie tasted pretty good too. Minus the crust, he liked just eating the whipped cream and the filling. So happy whatever he had lasted just a few hours. We got lucky.

Sunday was another low key day, tried to make waffles.

Mr. said he could do it better than least mine didn't spill everywhere...just sayin'.

Then we had Baby Fox's swim lessons. Only two more left, then I'm officially a soccer mom.

Sister patiently waiting. The only time we let her have a pacifier outside of her crib/sleeping/the car. Anything to keep her happy for 30 minutes right?

Costco has all of the Halloween costumes on sale right now. This Batman was only $16.99! Seriously best costume ever! He loves it...

I personally love that Mini Fox is carrying around her cell phone and purse. LOL, such a girl.

We let Baby Fox skip his nap so that he could get some extra time in with Mr. before he left, a lot of wrestling happened.

Sunday after Mini Fox woke up, Mr. had to leave so we got some family pictures in before he took off.

Batman joined us.

We headed to my parents for dinner. I had to show you what we saw earlier, this time I was ready and had a camera on first this guy runs over this concrete sign...

Then... you see that blue mail box but the do not enter sign? Just above my side mirror? Ye there used to be 3 mail boxes there...and now there is 1, he took out two of the double wide mail boxes...and then crashed into the post office wall, although you can barely see that damage. Crazy! When we saw it the first time they were just about to two the truck away and it was around noon, so either they take forever to clean up messes, or it just happened in the morning, wonder what happened?

Whenever Mini Fox sees my sister she always wants to watch the Let it Go video on her phone. Probably because we don't let her watch anything on our phones. haha.

At the end of the video Olaf comes on, and EVERY.SINGLE.TIME Mini Fox, gets super excited and screams out OLAF!! She's seen the video no less than 30 times. It never gets old.

Dinner was great, my mom followed us home so she could spend the night so I could go to work today. We watched a movie together, just like when I lived at home, it was great.

How was your weekend? Do anything fun?

Linking up with Erin for Weekend Snapshot4B Loved Boston and Champagne & Suburbs  for Weekending,  Ashley at A Cute Angle for Monday Madnes, and Carylee and Jenna for Hello Monday

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