Friday, October 13, 2017

Friday Favorites #138

Happy Friday! Full 5 day work week for me, with 12 hours of! Super sucks, I hate having to put the kids to bed and then going back to work, blah. Anyway, it's Friday and I'm going to try and limit my work over the weekend...Going out with the bestie tonight, first time since she moved in my area, super excited! So let's get to my Friday Favorites:

Monday: A Day In the Life
Tuesday: Dressember Challenge Recap
Wednesday: Common Threads Week 2
Thursday: Fall FabFitFun Unboxing

Here's the video I did. I have so many video ideas, not enough hours in the day to record, edit and process it all!

I already recapped Saturday here, so Sunday we FINALLY made it to the movies. Truth be told I fell asleep..only for a was SO BORING! We saw Ninjago...I really liked the Batman movie too.

Monday girl had her gymnastics class, she is loving it, and I am so glad, since she was hesitant to take the class to begin with.

Showing off all of her after class stamps.

This girl had her 4 year well check this week. She is 80% in height and 70% in weight.

Hearing check came out good.

Doctor listening to her heart.

Both kids needed shots, Baby Fox needed a flu shot, poor thing started crying the night before at dinner when we told him, then again in the car on the way there, but as soon as he got the sucker was okay. Poor Mini Fox went second and tried to hide when he heard the ruckus that her brother was making, then started screaming/crying the whole time. She had to get three shots, but the nurse did the first two so fast, Mini Fox still counts it as one...she was all smiles as soon as the nurse put the band aids on her wounds.

He wanted me to take a picture of how he caught the ball. Here is a conversation Baby Fox had with Mr. the other day. Wanted to write this down before I forgot it.

Baby Fox: Dad, did you know that I meditated last night?

Mr.: You did? How did you learn that?

Baby Fox: At school, want to mediate with me?

Mr.: Sure.

Baby Fox: Okay, now sit criss cross applesauce, and put your fingers like this (pinching thumb and pointer finger, hands resting on knees). Now avoid all thoughts.

(silence for a bit while they meditate)

Baby Fox: Okay, you can be done now.

Then the next night they meditated again, this time Baby Fox ran and got his iPad so he could time them for a 3 minute mediation session.

As always linking up with The Blended Blog to share some lover around the blogger community.

First up is Crissy from Granola and Grace, she wrote a review on Guiltless Goodies, which is an online company that makes snacks that are gluten, grain, dairy, soy, yeast and preservative-free. What? That's awesome? They even have donuts, I'm in! 

Anne from Anne In Residence has the cutest DIY series, where she tries Pinterest pins. This week she tried a super cute and EASY pumpkin project. Take a look at just how easy this project was.

OH my gosh, this is the sweetest thing ever, so happy he found his missing toy. Watch this little toys journey to find his owner.

Thank you Target, now my obession can go beyond needing to actually walk in a store...haha!

I am so making this...I'll let you know how it comes out!

Happy Friday! Have lots planned this weekend...need to come up with a Fall recipe...any ideas out there? Need to film it on Sunday...hmmm....Have a great weekend, see you on Monday for a little $10 Target link up. So go to Target spend $10 and then report back on Monday, tell your hubby the blog made you do it :)

Linking up here

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