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Day 18
Skirt (similar)* / Shirt /
Day 19
Day 20
Day 21
Booties (Similar)*
Day 22
I finally got a picture of the outfit for the past two weeks I've missed taking. Yep, I've worn this same exact outfit for three straight Saturdays. When you're going through a heat wave and only picked one "summer" thing for you Challenge list, you wear the same thing a lot.
Day 24
I'm also linking up with Mel, Shay and Sheaffer for What's Up Wednesday. I like looking back on these, especially since it's the same questions each month, click here for the past months.
What we're eating this week:
Eating meatloaf in muffin tins, cause I'm obsessed with putting everything in muffin tins or is it a pan? I'm not sure, but anyway, they are delicious. Recipe to come soon! I have nothing else on the menu cause I like to keep myself on my toes when trying to come up with ways to feed the family.
What I'm reminiscing about:
I saw this picture on FB the other day and thinking about how little Baby Fox was and how he STILL sucks those same fingers 5 years later. I love it, and know that it will stop eventually, but until then can he just be my baby forever?
What I'm loving:
This salad from Costco, seriously I can't get enough, and I can only go to Costco every so often...last night being one of them. I mean I needed to bring a salad to the Dodger watching party we were going to...so go to Costco right? Even though there are probably 3 stores between me and Costco.
What we've been up to:
Hanging out with friends and family. Mostly trying to soak up the season and enjoy every minute of it. Watching a LOT of Dodgers. Last nights game was fantastic. Go Blue!
What I'm dreading:
The 8 hour drive we have next month, see two questions below for why. 8 hours without stopping...but with two kids...who knows!!!
What I'm working on:
I have so many Christmas crafts I want to do. But when to do them? I bought this box to store our Christmas cards in, and now I can't think of what safe spot I put it in. My goal is to get it done in the next few weeks. Can't wait to show you my kitchen art craft too. It has to do with all the Santa Claus pictures we have taken over the years.
What I'm excited about:
We are taking the kids to The Polar Express and the North Pole Experience in Arizona next month and I am so stinkin' excited!!! The kids are excited too and we are going with some friends so it will make it extra fun.
What I'm watching/reading:
Watching Grey's Anatomy, and This Is Us. Not much else because I have been working so much.
What I'm listening to:
Lot's of YouTube people. I don't get out much.
What I'm doing this weekend:
My parents are participating in a trunk or treat thing at their church, aonwe arw goinf to do that on Saturday, then Sunday we actually have no plans...miracle. I am sure we will find something to do!
What I'm looking forward to next month:
Thanksgiving. It is one of my favorite days of the year. Get together with family and eat and drink and have a good time. Plus 2 extra days off of work. How is it almost November?!
What else is new:
Not much. I bought some new day planners, yes I am a paper person. And I don't know if I like them or not...we'll see. I might do a first impressions video on it...we'll see how much time I have between all of the crafts I want to do!!
Bonus Question: Favorite Thanksgiving side dish:
I think it depends what else is on my plate, but in general homemade cranberries. Not the jellied kind, but the whole berry kind. Because it just really tastes good with everything else.
An InLinkz Link-up
Linking up here
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