Since it's broken down in threes, I thought I would do people, places and things...
Three People I can't live without...for my birthday
Well obviously my family. Yesterday was Baby Fox's first day of Kindergarten, sniff, sniff. Actually I didn't cry...almost did, but kept it together. I think if he had cried going into the classroom I would have lost it, but he was happy and smiling when he went in. So proud of him!
Three places I can't live without....for my birthday
Okay so that's a weird one. But let's say my house, I just love coming home, and this year Mr. and the kids have something up their sleeve. They keep teasing me about a surprise after I get home from work today, I can't wait to see what it is!
We usually go to dinner with my whole family for birthdays, I typically will pick Mexican food, so good! I would pick Chinese food, but we haven't found a good place out here. Actually we're trying a new Mexican place tonight, I hope it's good!
Last years birthday celebration.
Is it cool to say my couch? After dinner I really like going home and sitting on the couch and doing nothing but watch tv and probably eat cake and ice cream...again.
I mean who wouldn't want to sit on this couch?
Three Things I can't Live Without...for my birthday
You know there isn't much on my birthday list this year. I told Mr. that all of my gifts this year can be money to go towards my trip to Toronto to see The Blended Blog Ladies. I am so excited to meet all of them, and to hug each and every one of them, look out Toronto here we come!
Our Vegas trip from this past year. So much fun, so much so that the week we got back we started planning the next trip.
My camera to take pictures of my birthday, haha. Those are important right?
I guess my third thing would be my cell phone, I love getting all of the text messages and FB posts wishing me a happy birthday. Even if FB does remind you it's your birthday, it's still nice to be able to know that they took 2 seconds out of their day to wish you a happy birthday.
So there you have it three People, Places and Things I can't live without...for my birthday.
What is something you can't live without...on your birthday?
Linking up here
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